I have been tried many new things recently just as take a part time job and earned the first
RM10.00 in my life [^>^]
I worked as an art assistance for my art teacher who teach me when I was in high school
so they pay me RM5.00 for an hour and once in a week in 2 hours so it's RM10.00 yeah!
Here's some pictures I'd like share with you guys. Enjoy~
In my college, The One Academy~

My sister and I take our dinner at Korea Palace yesterday.
I love Korea food~ so nice and delicious~
vote 8☆ for them~


I found this in my drawer!
This is the 3 RM10 I appreciate the most.
Because they are the money that I won in Guitar Competition in my Union high School.
My very first Rm30.00.

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